These instructions are in NetApp's docs, but they're kinda vague, especially when it's time to do the "snapvault snap create" commmand--which volume should be named? SnapVault copy or Source? I've logged this with NetApp and our expert consultants and neither got to the correct answer easily or quickly.
1. Create lun for destination on snapvault
2. set schedules for retention, but disable snapshots as in this case they'll be ran from NetApp client via script which has ssh access.
netapp1> snapvault snap sched src_vol src_vol_weekly
snapvault> snapvault snap sched src_vol src_vol_weekly
3. Ensure remote access between MetroCluster source and Snapvault Destination is good.
4. Establish initial baseline transfer between both volumes on both heads.
SnapVault> snapvault start -S netapp1:/vol/volume sv_volume
5. connect schedules
SnapVault> snapvault snap sched -x blah:/blah blah
SnapVaultA> snapvault snap sched
xfer sv_vol sv_vol_snap_sv_weekly 12@- preserve=default,warn=0
netapp1> snapvault snap sched
create vol sv_vol_snap_sv_weekly 4@-
Note: we keep 4 copies of the snapshot on the source/primary/MetroCluster and 12 copies on the destination/secondary/SnapVault
6. create new snapshots and verify date/time stamps
SnapVault> snapvault snap create sv_vol sv_vol_snap_sv_weekly
NOTE: this next command is the bit that goes in your script on the NetApp client right after quiescing/stopping your database and right before starting it up again:
7. remember always pull TO snapvault, don't push:
SnapVault> snapvault update netapp1:/vol/vol/sv1
Transfer started.
Monitor progress with 'snapvault status' or the snapmirror log.
SnapVault> snapvault snap create sv_vol sv_vol_snap_sv_weekly
NetApp> snapvault snap create vol sv_vol_snap_sv_weekly
8. Verify snapshots (look for Status and Contents fields below)
SnapVault> snapvault status -l SnapVault:/vol/sv_vol/sv1
Snapvault is ON.
Source: netapp1:/vol/volume/qtree
Destination: SnapVault:/vol/sv_vol/sv1
Status: Transferring
Progress: 4856300 KB
State: Snapvaulted
Lag: 03:25:19
Mirror Timestamp: Wed Jan 11 09:10:45 GMT 2012
Base Snapshot: SnapVault(1573980687)_sv_vol_snap_sv_weekly
Current Transfer Type: Update
Current Transfer Error: -
Contents: Transitioning
Last Transfer Type: Update
Last Transfer Size: 4735288 KB
Last Transfer Duration: 00:01:02
Last Transfer From: netapp1:/vol/_sv_vol_snap_sv_weekly/qtree
SnapVault> snapvault status -l SnapVault:/vol/sv_vol/sv1
Source: netapp1:/vol/sv_vol_snap_sv_weekly/qtree
Destination: SnapVault:/vol/sv_vol_snap_sv_weekly/sv1
Status: Idle
Progress: -
State: Snapvaulted
Lag: 00:04:00
Mirror Timestamp: Wed Jan 11 12:34:05 GMT 2012
Base Snapshot: SnapVault(1573980687)_sv_vol_snap_sv_weekly-base.0
Current Transfer Type: -
Current Transfer Error: -
Contents: Replica
Last Transfer Type: Update
Last Transfer Size: 5165432 KB
Last Transfer Duration: 00:01:54
Last Transfer From: netapp1:/vol/sv_vol_snap_sv_weekly/qtree
The destination will say, "snapvaulted" under Status when completed.