First we dump the entire Networker database to a file:
create a text file with the nsradmin commands:
PS F:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\scripts> type .\nsradmin_collect_config.txt
option hidden
PS F:\Program Files\Legato\nsr\scripts>
and this command creates a text file with all your backup config, including the backup groups and clients and all their settings (i.e. whether enabled, disabled)
F:\"program files"\Legato\nsr\bin\nsradmin -i ..\script\nsradmin_collect_config.txt > ..\scripts\Networker-Config.txt
Now comes the PowerShell script:
$Networker_Config = 'c:\delete\PowerShell\Networker-Config-Export.txt'$client_names= Select-String "type: NSR client;" $Networker_Config -Context 6 | % {$_.Context.PostContext} | select-string ' name: ' | foreach{$_.tostring().split(":")[1].trimstart(" ").trimend(":")}
write-host "Schedule Client Name"
write-host "======== ==============="
foreach ($client_name in $client_names)
$scheduled_backup= Select-String "name: $client_name" $Networker_Config -Context 6 | % {$_.Context.PostContext} | select-string 'scheduled backup' | foreach{$_.tostring().split(":")[1].trimstart(" ").trimend(":")}
if ( $scheduled_backup -like '*isable*' )
$scheduled_backup = "Disabled"
write-host "$scheduled_backup $client_name"
$group_names= Select-String "type: NSR group" $Networker_Config -Context 10 | % {$_.Context.PostContext} | select-string 'name:' | foreach{$_.tostring().split(":")[1].trimstart(" ").trimend(";")}
write-host "
write-host "Schedule Networker Group"
write-host "======== ==============="
foreach ($group_name in $group_names)
#write-host $group_name is a group
$auto_start = Select-String "type: NSR group" $Networker_Config -Context 10 | % {$_.Context.PostContext} | select-string " $group_name;" -Context 0,3 | % {$_.Context.PostContext} | select-string autostart | foreach{$_.tostring().split(":")[1].trimstart(" ").trimend(";")}
if ( $auto_start -like '*isable*' )
write-host "$auto_start $group_name "
This was a great excused for me to learn "Select-String" and how PowerShell does the equivalent of Linux "grep", "split" in place of "cut", etc.
I'm plan to add the code for comparing this output to an existing list so only an alert email is sent if there's any differences to the list. And I plan to write the script so you can run it with a "reset" parameter to copy a new baseline list so the email alert isn't sent when approved changes to the list of disabled backups is made.
Linux/Cygwin version:
as I'm still learning PowerShell, I wrote most of the script using Cygwin/Bash first:
echo "reporting disabled groups in Networker backup schedule...."
#loop through each backup group name:
group_name=`grep -A 10 " type: NSR group" ${infile} | grep " name: " | grep -v packsize | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d ';' | sort | sort -u`
echo "Autostart Nextstart Group_Name"
for group_n in `echo $group_name`
autostart=`grep -A 10 "name: ${group_n};" ${infile} | grep autostart | awk '{print $2}'`
nextstart=`grep -A 10 "name: ${group_n};" ${infile} | grep "next start" | awk '{print $3}'`
if [ "${autostart}" = "Disabled;" ] ; then
echo "${autostart} ${nextstart} ${group_n}"
#loop thru all clients, look for disabled:
client_name=`grep -A 6 " type: NSR client;" ${infile} | grep " name: " | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d ';' | sort`
echo "reporting disabled client in Networker backup schedule...."
echo "Scheduled Client Name Group_Name"
for client_n in `echo $client_name`
scheduled_backup=`grep -A 6 "name: ${client_n}" ${infile} | grep "scheduled backup" | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d ';'`
client_g=`grep -A 22 "name: ${client_n}" ${infile} | grep " group:" | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d ';'`
if [ "${scheduled_backup}" = " Disabled" ] ; then
echo "${scheduled_backup} ${client_n} ${client_g}"
Example output is:
Schedule Client Name
======== ===============
Disabled server1;
Disabled server11;
Schedule Networker Group
======== ===============
Disabled SiteA_Files_test
Disabled SiteB_VM_Image_Troubleshoot