Disconnect the NIC of the machine you're about to recover, if it's not completely dead yet. I always build a new machine identical to the one we're recovering. Since they're always virtual, it's easy to set the same OS, vRAM, vNICs (mac address, if needed), vCPUs and VMDKs.
No need for an operating system or NW client to be installed on the new client as the BMR will do that.
EMC has a video that shows this in action here or search YouTube for the same video.
Also, see page 634 of the Networker Administration Guide.
I thought it glosses over a few details which might be of interest.
My learning was around the version of the Wizard/ISO needed. If your Networker server is v8.1.1 and your client is still running NW764, then don't try the Windows with NW 8.1 BMR. It seems to work in loading and letting you fill out the fields for the wizard, and even formats the partition on your recovery client. But it bombs right after trying to restore the files/folders to the partitions, with no real error message. The logs are pretty unhelpful.
You might need to wipe your recovery server if you need to make a few attempts. If the tool bombs and dumps you to DOS prompt and you try to restart it, you may have issues. We got error that there was already a machine on the network with this ip address (even though it had not recovered the files/folders successfully at that stage). Trashing the new recovery server's C drive from VMware and creating a new one got around this easily enough.
There doesn't seem to be a Linux version of this tool either, although you could make one easily enough.
I thought this tool might just bring back the crucial registry and disk partitions and OS needed to boot, then you might need to do another restore to get the rest of the data, but it did restore everything for me. Nice.
Is the EMC documentation any good in your view? There's a lot there, like:
Note: By default, the Windows 2012 System Writer does not report Win32 Service Files as a part
of systems components. As a result, the volumes that contain Win32 Service Files are not
considered critical and the DISASTER_RECOVERY:\ save set will not include a volume that
contains files for an installed service. To configure the Windows 2012 server to report
Win32 Service Files as a part of system components, set the ReportWin32ServicesNonSystemState registry sub key to 0. Microsoft KB article 2792088 provides more information.
It mentions Windows storage spaces, storage pools, synthetic full backup as well, which I've not learned about yet.
My experience is that BMR formats and restores C drive and one more. You'll need to run the Networker client software to restore any other data disks in the usual way.
Another thing you probably already noticed is that BMR doesn't know anything about the Virutal Machine. That means the vNIC. If you recover with BMR to a new VM, and the software on your server cares if the MAC address changes, then you'll do an extra step of changing the mac address of your vNIC to "manual" and use the copy/paste
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